Badger vaccination underway in IAA

28 May 2015 11:54 AM

The fourth year of the Welsh Government's five year badger vaccination project has begun in the Intensive Action Area (IAA) in west Wales, Deputy Minister for Farming and Food, Rebecca Evans has announced.

The vaccination project is part of the Welsh Government's wider programme of work to eradicate TB from cattle in Wales. During the first three years of the badger vaccination project over 4,000 doses of the vaccination were successfully delivered.

Rebecca Evans said:

“Our TB eradication programme involves a comprehensive range of measures working in partnership with the industry. It includes annual testing, cattle movement restrictions, free biosecurity advice to farmers through our Cymorth TB initiative and badger vaccination in both the IAA and across Wales where it is supported by our badger vaccination grant. The badger vaccination project in the IAA is aimed at developing a degree of immunity to bovine TB within the badger population and should reduce the potential for the onward spread of infection to cattle and other badgers in the area. We are closely monitoring the results of vaccination and publish a report on our progress to date each year. The report on year three of the project is now available on the Welsh Government website. Participation in the project is voluntary and I continue to be grateful for the support and co-operation with our field operatives shown by farmers and landowners in the area.”

The vaccination work is undertaken in cycles and is expected to continue until the end of October. Most of the vaccination cycles last four weeks - the first three weeks involve liaising with the landowner and preparatory work, with vaccination taking place in the final week. The work is expected to be completed over seven cycles this year. Vaccination is carried out under licence by Welsh Government employees who have successfully completed Animal and Plant Health Agency course relating to the cage trapping and vaccination of badgers by injection.

The reports covering the first three years of the badger vaccination project are available on the Welsh Government website.