Blended learning

15 May 2019 01:16 PM

Blog posted by: Laura Faulkner, 14 May 2019.

The issue

The learning team at Good Things Foundation are award winning at creating ‘Blended Learning’. We know this because we won a prestigious award for it at ‘The Learning Technologies Awards’ in London (Nov 2018).

On a daily basis we work to support a network of 5,000 online centres around the UK in delivering blended learning to people wanting to improve their digital skills. We know that staff and volunteers in our centres are skilled at blended learning and we are able boast impressive statistics about the success of this great work.

All sounds great.

Yet last month, there was a surprise in store for the learning team whilst delivering workshops with our network staff. When we asked people to tell us about their blended learning sessions, we were often met with silence and blank faces! Strangely, when we asked people to describe sessions with learners, they very often gave us brilliant examples of blended learning. We soon realised that the term ‘blended learning’ might need a bit of explanation.

The definition

Most people probably understand the word ‘blend’. It means to mix two or more things together. This is also the concept in ‘blended learning’. It means to mix together different activities during a learning session. For our network, this often means using electronic and online media alongside more traditional discussion groups and worksheet tasks.

So do you already use blended learning without even knowing it?

Chances are you do.

The learning team at Good Things Foundation believe that using different activities during a session (blended learning as we call it) is a great way to engage learners and create valuable learning experiences. The theory and research agrees with us, stating that it does lead to good tutor practise and great learner outcomes.

So what kinds of activities can you blend together in your sessions?

The list could be endless but if you want to get technical about it, there are five types of learning that often happen during sessions. If you are using two or more of them during a session, then you are using a blended learning approach.

The advantages

If you already do blended learning, please share with us the advantages you feel it brings to your learners experience. Here are some of the advantages the style of delivery is thought to bring:

Support to achieve blended learning

If you like the idea of creating more blended learning at your centre, we already have some ideas available for you to view and choose from. Go to the tutor support materials on Learn My Way. There, you will find session plans with blended learning ideas.

Get in touch

If you are using Learn My Way as part of your blended learning offer, we would love to hear how you are doing it. Please share any tips, advice for other centres and ideas with us.

Email us at with your thoughts and suggestions.