CBI responds to Chancellor's growth speech

29 Jan 2025 02:17 PM

CBI Rain Newton-Smith, CEO esponds to Chancellor's growth speech

“It’s crunch time for growth and today the Chancellor has heeded business’ call to go further and faster. This is most evident in Ministers grasping decisions that have sat on the desk of government for too long. This positive leadership and a clear vision to kickstart the economy and boost productivity is welcome.

“A relentless focus on growth means making some bold moves, accepting trade-offs and taking risks. Leaders in boardrooms do that every day. Business understands those pressures and is ready to partner with, and invest alongside, a government that is brave and optimistic about the UK’s potential.

“The Chancellor’s announcements are smart, looking to leverage the UK’s strengths including our world class universities, innovation and openness to global talent. Along with action on planning reform, commitments to airport expansion and transport infrastructure improvements, and mobilising pension capital this is the kind of initiative that will give confidence to investors at home and abroad.

“Businesses were in need of a boost in confidence after a tough period that has seen their overheads increase and headroom for investment squeezed. Firms in the everyday economy will need to stay front and centre of government decisions to create the jobs, investment and growth we all want.”

Chancellor vows to go further and faster to kickstart ...