Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration term extended

4 Nov 2020 12:08 PM

David Bolt agrees to extend his term as Chief Inspector.

David Bolt, the current Independent Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration, has agreed to extend his term.

The extension will enable continuity while a recruitment competition to appoint a new Chief Inspector is completed.

Since his appointment in May 2015, Mr Bolt’s leadership of the ICIBI has been integral in ensuring the Home Office continues to address and improve its border and immigration function.

Home Secretary Priti Patel yesterday said:

I want to thank David for his vital and exemplary work which constructively challenges the department’s immigration functions so that they are as effective as they can be.

I’m glad David has agreed to extend his term until a new Chief Inspector can be appointed, to prevent a gap in the important scrutiny of the Home Office’s work.

This extension has been made in line with the Governance Code on Public Appointments, which allows ministers to extend the terms of public appointees.

A competition to recruit a new Chief Inspector is underway.