Commission (Eurostat) publishes 2022 report on Sustainable Development Goals in the European Union

23 May 2022 02:04 PM

Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union, yesterday published the ‘Sustainable development in the European Union – 2022 monitoring report on progress towards the SDGs in an EU context',  which provides a statistical overview of progress towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the EU.

The data included in the report show that the EU has made progress towards most goals over the last five years, in line with Commission's priorities in key policy areas such as the European Green Deal, the Digital Strategy and the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan. While progress towards reaching some goals was faster than for others, movement away from the sustainable development objectives occurred only in few specific areas.

The unprecedented instrument of NextGenerationEU adopted by the Commission in response to the pandemic, and the reforms and investments envisaged by Member States in their Recovery and Resilience Plans, will make a major contribution to achieving the SDGs in the EU in the future.

Commissioner Gentiloni, Commissioner for Economy, yesterday said:

“Europe is facing its second ‘black swan' event in three years. But while managing the impact of the economic shock caused by Russia's invasion of Ukraine must not lead us to lose sight of our goal of transforming the EU's economic model. It must instead galvanise us to redouble our efforts to boost our resilience and the sustainability of our production processes and everyday activities. In this collective effort, the Sustainable Development Goals remain both our compass and our measure of success.”

Click here for the full press release