Committee reports on Brexit financial settlement, 2021 fishing quotas, and EU energy strategy

16 Sep 2020 04:33 PM

In its latest report, the European Scrutiny Committee considers recent draft EU legislation and policy documents deposited in Parliament by the Government.

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European Scrutiny Committee

Each document is accompanied by an Explanatory Memorandum from the relevant Minister. The Committee examines the legal and political importance of the document and where appropriate asks further questions of the Government about its implications. The Committee also has the power to recommend documents for debate.

In its latest report, published yesterday, the Committee highlights the importance of several documents, and how it intends to follow up with Government. These include:

HMT – the cost of the Brexit financial settlement

Important because:

In July of this year, the Treasury forecast that the final cost of the Brexit financial settlement to the UK would be £32.7 billion. However, the exact final figure remains unclear, owing to uncertainties in areas such as pensions liabilities and potential European Investment Bank capital injections. Based on recent developments, including this document, the Committee’s report assesses the factors that will determine the eventual cost of the Brexit financial settlement to the UK.

DEFRA – Fishing Opportunities 2021

Important because:

The Committee has asked that the Minister provide regular updates as negotiations on quotas in 2021 unfold.

BEIS – EU Hydogen Strategy, EU Energy System Integration Strategy

Important because:

Despite the significance of the documents, and the level of detail they contain, the Government has provided no substantive analysis to accompany them. The Committee has written to the Minister to express its unhappiness with the Government’s approach, and to ask them to properly outline its assessment of the document’s implications for the UK.

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