Communities and Children Secretary welcomes figures that show how homes are improving lives

5 Oct 2017 03:35 PM

Communities and Children Secretary Carl Sargeant today welcomed figures that show that 86% of all social housing dwellings, met the Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS) by March 31st 2017, which is a rise of 7 percentage points on the previous year.The WHQS aims to ensure all homes provided by local authorities and housing associations are safe and secure and offer modern amenities.

The Welsh Government provides £108 million each year to help all social landlords meet the WHQS by 2020. 

The Cabinet Secretary said:

"The Welsh Housing Quality Standard will ensure that more than 220,000 households in Wales have a home that is safe, warm and secure.

"It is also vital to us achieving many of our other goals as a Government including improving the nation’s health and well being. Investment in improving and building homes also has huge potential to create jobs and training opportunities in our communities and help us build a prosperous society."

So far, expenditure of £702 million has been tracked and 82% of that expenditure has been re-invested in Wales. The investment has also helped over 1407 people into employment or training, and provided the equivalent of 36,983 weeks of training.

“The statistics show our continued investment in our social housing stock is having a significant and far reaching impact. We have seen good progress, helping us towards our target of ensuring all social housing meets our high quality standards by 2020. I congratulate social landlords for their achievements so far, although there is still work to be done. We will continue to work with them to improve their housing stock.”

Welsh Housing Quality Standard