Consultation on the Security of Network and Information Systems Directive

8 Aug 2017 12:17 PM


A consultation on the Government’s plans to implement the Security of Network and Information Systems Directive ("NIS Directive").

Consultation description

As our reliance on technology grows, the impact of failure in those systems and the opportunities for those who would seek to compromise our systems and data increase. Responding to this threat and ensuring the safety and security of cyberspace is an essential requirement for a prosperous UK economy. We need to secure our technology, data and networks in order to keep our businesses, citizens and public services protected.

The European Commission, in cooperation with Member States, have agreed a Directive with the aim of increasing the security of Network and Information Systems (NIS) within the European Union (EU). The Government supports the aims of the Directive and sets out in this consultation the proposed implementation approach in the UK.

The NIS Directive will help make sure UK operators in electricity, transport, water, energy, transport, health and digital infrastructure are prepared to deal with the increasing numbers of cyber threats. It will also cover other threats affecting IT, such as power failures, hardware failures and environmental hazards.

This consultation seeks views from industry, regulators and other interested parties on the Government’s plans to transpose the Directive into UK legislation. It sets out the Government’s proposed transposition approach and asks a series of questions on a range of detailed policy issues relating to transposition.

The consultation covers:

You can respond to the consultation online here, or via the other ways set out in the consultation document.

The consultation closes at 11:45pm on 30 September 2017.


NIS Directive Consultation PDF, 374KB, 43 pages

NIS Directive: pre-consultation impact assessment PDF, 651KB, 33 pages

Ways to respond

Respond online


Email to:

Write to:

NIS Directive Consultation (4/49) 
100 Parliament Street 