Culture Inquiry - 12 month progress update from our Chief Executive

28 Nov 2022 01:50 PM

Culture Inquiry – 12 month progress update from our Chief Executive (28 November 2022).

A year ago, I set out the actions The National Lottery Community Fund would take in response to the findings of the independent culture inquiry.

I gave two clear commitments. First, we would act upon all the report’s recommendations; and second, we would do so transparently and provide progress updates at 6, 12 and 18 months.

You can see our previously published six-month update below. Since the last update, new Senior Management Team and Board members have been appointed and joined.

We have successfully delivered the initial phase of our Strategy Renewal programme (see What Have We Heard To Date) and are now progressing through the second phase (see What Comes Next). If you haven’t already done so, please contribute to this important discussion by visiting our online forum. The Strategy Renewal process is expected to conclude in mid-2023 consistent with the 18-month timeline we set out. We will provide a further update at that point.

This listening, consulting and challenging (and being challenged) will lead to a step change for us here at the Fund, ensuring we are fit for purpose, aligned with the challenges communities face and well-placed to deliver on our purpose of supporting people and communities to prosper and thrive.

We also know that the cost of living context has become exceptionally challenging since last year, and have set out the support we will offer as a flexible and responsive grant maker here (see We Are Here for You).

We continue on a journey of improvement and change that will take us through 2023 and beyond – I and my team are committed to this and I will provide a final progress report next year.

Click here for the full press release