Data is at the heart of your organisation

17 Oct 2023 12:40 PM

Data is the heart of your organisation. Without data and the intelligence it can bring, how do you effectively provide services?

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By Gary Rivington, Data Integration Officer at GeoPlace

But ask the question, how do we tap into that information to help us tackle issues facing local authorities, answer questions that are posed of providing current services, and plan for the future?

What are keys to begin to open the doors, so that you can start to realise the power and potential in the data you collect and hold?

As with many topics, the potential threads, thoughts, and methods are numerous and far reaching. The “what” and “how” are endless. So we will concentrate of a few key things as seeds to the wider aspects.

  1. UPRN and USRN as golden threads
  2. Challenges
  3. Key guidelines:
    1. Consume
    2. Update
    3. Expose
    4. Export
  4. Factors in low level integration
  5. How is GeoPlace helping

​​Click here for the full press release