Effectiveness of council website re-designs examined in Better connected 2015

23 Feb 2015 03:27 PM

Better connected 2015 publishes for the first time information about websites that have been redesigned in 2014 up to the date of our latest review since the last survey, and uses data from the main survey to evaluate the effectiveness of those re-designs.

Data about such sites – 63 in total - was gathered by former council web manager Kevin Jump, who provides commentary in the report on trends in local authority web design based on his appraisal of these sites.

Better connected 2015 has undertaken further analysis of these sites, investigating the impact of the redesign on the websites’ star rankings. The results are surprising: while 22 (one third of those redesigned) improved their ranking or retained their (maximum) four stars, 30 sites, nearly one half, did not improve or progress beyond a below par two or one star ranking, suggesting that despite a redesign, their sites are repeating errors made in the past.

Before the report launch on 2 March, we are publishing trailers with key messages about different aspects of the report and focused on different audiences.

Attachment Size
 Trailer 1 - How well do local authority websites present information about local democratic representation? 79.89 KB
 Trailer 2 - How are local authority web and digital activities managed and what is the relationship with performance? 82.8 KB
 Trailer 3 - Better connected 2015 data shows that accessible websites perform significantly better for all users 72.63 KB
 Trailer 4 - The effectiveness of council website redesign