Environmental implementation: Commission urges better application of EU environmental rules to protect human health and the environment

9 Sep 2022 11:19 AM

The Commission yesterday published the third Environmental Implementation Review (EIR), a key reporting tool that supports environmental enforcement and raises awareness about the importance of implementing environmental rules. Bridging the gap between what is decided at Union level and what is implemented on the ground is essential to ensure good environmental outcomes for citizens, and to maintain a level playing field for businesses while creating opportunities for economic development.

Commissioner for Environment, Oceans and Fisheries, Virginijus Sinkevičius, yesterday said:

“This year's Environmental Implementation Review is a call to action. While it shows progress in some areas since the previous review, I am concerned that in other areas, the implementation gap is still getting wider, which makes us all more vulnerable to environmental pollution and related risks. This analysis provides Member States with the tools and information they need to improve implementation and better protect our health and the environment. Let's make good use of it!”

This Environmental Implementation Review (EIR) draws conclusions and defines common trends at EU level, based on 27 individual country reports showing the state of play in the implementation of EU environmental law. It includes a wealth of information about how well EU governments are protecting the quality of the air citizens breathe, the water they drink and the nature they enjoy. Furthermore, the review sets out priority actions for improvement in each Member State.

Click here for the full press release