Ethical standards in public life - model code of conduct for board members: consultation analysis

11 Jun 2021 12:30 PM

An analysis of responses to the consultation on current proposals for a revised Model Code of Conduct for members of devolved public bodies.



In line with Section 1 of the Ethical Standards in Public Life etc. (Scotland) Act 2000 (‘the Act’), Scottish Ministers are required to produce a Model Code of Conduct for members of devolved public bodies (‘the Model Code’), as well as a Code of Conduct for Councillors (‘the Councillors’ Code’). The Act stipulates that Ministers must issue a Model Code – including any revisions – only once it has been laid before, and approved by, the Scottish Parliament.

The Model Code sets out the standards that all board members of organisations listed in Schedule 3 of the Act must comply with when carrying out their duties, and each organisation should produce their Code of Conduct based on the Model Code. The Model Code is supported by supplementary, independent guidance published by the Standards Commission for Scotland (‘the Standards Commission’), which provides more detail on what the Model Code means for board members in practice.

The Ethical Standards Commissioner (‘the Commissioner’) and the Standards Commission are two separate, independent statutory organisations.

The Commissioner is responsible for both public appointments and public standards. Where public standards are concerned, the Commissioner can investigate a complaint about a member of a devolved public body who is alleged to have contravened the appropriate public body’s Code of Conduct. Likewise, the Commissioner can also investigate complaints about a councillor in respect of the Councillors’ Code.

The Standards Commission has responsibility for enforcing compliance with the Codes of Conduct and providing general guidance on their interpretation. Following initial investigation by the Commissioner, the Standards Commission adjudicates on cases of alleged contravention of the Codes of Conduct. Where a hearing is held, the Standards Commission has the power to impose sanctions.

Purpose of this consultation

The Model Code was last reviewed in 2014 and the Scottish Government acknowledges that various developments have taken place in society since then. We think that it is important to take stock of these changes and provide end-users with an opportunity to contribute to a revised Model Code. For example, we want to highlight the increasing role played by social media in our society, while underlining the importance of respectful behaviour and highlighting that bullying and harassment should not be tolerated under any circumstances. At the same time, we also want to make the Model Code simpler and easier to understand, so as to ensure that the highest standards of conduct are maintained in our public bodies.

As such, on 19 October 2020, we launched ‘Ethical standards in public life: consultation on model code of conduct for board members of devolved public bodies’, to seek views on current proposals for a revised Model Code.[1] To respond to any changes resulting from the consultation, the Standards Commission will also review and revise its own guidance to support the Model Code.

The consultation contained 12 questions in total and this comprised a mixture of both closed and open-ended questions. The first three questions explored whether respondents had used the Model Code before (and, if so, in what capacity) and whether they agreed there is a need to review the current Model Code. The remaining questions asked respondents to comment on each individual section of the revised draft Model Code (from Section 1 to Annex A), how clear and easy the revised Model Code is to understand and, last, whether they had any final comments on the proposed revisions to the Model Code.

Click here for the full press release