Europe's Beating Cancer Plan: New actions to increase access to cancer prevention, early detection, treatment and care

3 Feb 2022 12:33 PM

Another step was yesterday made to increase access to cancer prevention, early detection, treatment and care. Ahead of World Cancer Day and a year after the publication of Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, the Commission is launching a series of new initiatives, announced at the event “Ensuring Equal Access for All: Cancer in Women – Europe's Beating Cancer Plan.” This event focused on gender inequalities and specific measures to address cancer in women. It was the first of an annual series of events, focusing on how to increase equal access for all to cancer prevention and care.

On average cancer affects men slightly more than women in Europe, with 54% of new cases and 56% of deaths. However, female breast cancer is the most diagnosed cancer (over 355,000 women in the EU in 2020). There are also considerable inequalities within and between EU Member States and between population groups in the areas of early detection, diagnosis, treatment and the quality of patient care. This is particularly striking with regard to estimated cervical cancer incidence rates (varying five-fold) and mortality rates (varying eight-fold in 2020 across the EU). These wide variations can be explained by differences in prevalence of the human papilloma virus (HPV), and vaccination and cervical cancer screening policies in the EU countries. Reducing inequalities across the entire disease pathway is the overarching goal of Europe's Beating Cancer Plan.

The Commission yesterday launched four new EU Cancer Plan actions to support Member States in addressing inequalities, improving screening and vaccination against HPV, and supporting persons who have experienced cancer:

Members of the college said

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, yesterday said:

We made the fight against cancer a priority of this Commission when we launched Europe's Beating Cancer Plan. Our goal is that everyone in our European Union should get the cancer treatment they need. We know that this fight suffered a setback due to the pandemic, with an estimated one million cases that could be undiagnosed right now. Cancer is a personal story for all of us. And that is why we will work on prevention, early diagnosis, and equal access to care to win this fight.

Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President for Promoting our European Way of Life, added:

“Cancer concerns us all and the fight against it remains a priority. One year after we have put the Cancer Plan in motion, today we are making important steps together towards ensuring equal access for all to cancer prevention and care. Inequalities have no place in a Europe built on solidarity. National governments and public health authorities cannot turn the tide against cancer alone. It is only through full cooperation and strong commitment from everybody that we will help improve the lives of our citizens and reduce the suffering of many. Prevention and diagnosis are at the heart of this common journey which is only at the beginning.”

Stella Kyriakides, Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, yesterday said:

“One year after its launch, Europe's Beating Cancer Plan is making a difference. This year, at our World Cancer Day event we will focus on tackling inequalities in cancer in women, on the need for optimal European cooperation and treatment and on the specific actions in the Plan to invest in prevention. And importantly, we will ensure that the voices of those whose lives have been touched by cancer will be heard. In light of the impact of COVID-19 on screening, treatment and care, addressing this major public health challenge is today more urgent than ever before. We need to close the gaps and ensure equal access to all. Our plan against cancer, is Europe's roadmap of action to make a difference to the lives of all cancer patients and their loved ones. This Plan concerns us all!”

Click here for the full press release