Fourteen ways to set home working boundaries

9 Dec 2020 02:04 PM

Blog posted by: Stephanie Hill, Digital Content Producer, Government Communication Service, 08 December 2020.

The pandemic of coronavirus (COVID-19) forces many of us to work from home. As we do so, it is vital that we put boundaries in place. To look after our wellbeing, we need to separate work time and personal time.

For me, the word boundaries trigger images of garden fences and hedges. I’ve been thinking of ways to install these virtual fences at home to make sure there is a balance between work and rest.

At the beginning of lockdown, I was working the time I used to commute, on top of my working hours. Before long, I realised I was exhausted and needed to set these boundaries. I have children and now finish work at 4pm to pick them up from the after-school club. Try and see what suits your lifestyle and discuss flexible working with your manager.

Emotional boundaries

The important thing about boundaries when you work from home is to talk about them. Share your feelings with your family and your manager, also with your team and regular stakeholders. If you prefer to work 8am to 4pm, do it. If you are more efficient after 10am, do it.

Email signature showing working hours.

Your organisation should have an employee support helpline, check your intranet. And you can also contact Samaritans, the charity aimed at providing emotional support.

Stretch your body and breathe. Listen to your favourite song. Talk to your team, your network, using phone or instant message to avoid video conference overload. All these tiny breaks, away from your computer for a few minutes will actually reduce your visual fatigue. It will make you feel better and more productive.

Read this Civil Service blog post on how time management techniques and a sense of awe can increase our well being. Respecting your time will allow you to have energy for your favourite activities and hobbies.

Woman working on computer at home with a big sign 'do not disturb' next to her.

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