Frank’s Law guarantee needed

11 Sep 2017 11:11 AM

Health Secretary seeks assurances from UK Government.

Health Secretary Shona Robison is seeking urgent assurances there will be no cuts to disability benefits for people set to benefit from ‘Frank’s Law’ before these are transferred to the Scottish Government.

The Scottish Government will bring forward Free Personal Care for under 65s by April 2019.

The Health Secretary has written to David Gauke, the Secretary for State for Work and Pensions, to ensure there is no repeat of the welfare cuts imposed when Free Personal Care was introduced in 2002, which has resulted in the Scottish Government spending an additional £600m to mitigate against those benefits being withdrawn.


Scotland will gain powers over 15% (£2.9billion) of social security spending with 85% remaining with the UK Government. In total, 11 benefits will be devolved: