Fundraising: Getting Your Board On Board

2 Aug 2019 03:35 PM

How can you get your board engaged with fundraising?  BOP Consulting share their lessons from the Arts Council's Catalyst: Evolve programme, designed to help arts organisations raise more private investment.

Southbank Centre – Installation view of Lee Bul © Linda Nylind

Getting your board involved in fundraising isn’t always an easy job. At the Catalyst: Evolve Learning Sessions almost all organisations present said they faced challenges relating to board engagement.

So how can you get your board on board?  Here are our top tips:

1. Support your board through the cultural change that fundraising requires

Recognise that boards need a little help to get on board. Many of them may have never been involved in fundraising before, so they may not fully understand fundraising or believe they have the skills or experience to help.

Training from an experienced fundraiser can help your board to understand what fundraising is about. Also try having one-to-one conversations where board members can express their thoughts and ask questions freely. This can help to clarify what you need from them, and give you the opportunity to address any concerns.

2. Involve your board in business planning

As Caroline McCormick highlights in her blog post, Why Fundraising Is the Business of Boards, getting your board involved in writing your business plan can help them to understand what you’re trying to achieve and why a new approach is necessary. A business plan typically includes:

Getting your board involved in creating this plan can help them understand the how and why of your fundraising strategy, and make them feel like they have a stake in its success.

3. Help board members live up to their responsibilities through clear governance systems

Get Board Members to see fundraising as part of their core responsibility. UK charity law requires board members to take part in fundraising and it is therefore critical to prepare an action plan to:

4. Continue to clarify what fundraising is really about

The (mis)belief that fundraising is simply “asking people for money” is still very common in the arts. We also know that “asking people for money” often feels like an embarrassing or inappropriate thing to do.

It’s up to us as arts professionals and fundraisers to show board members that fundraising is more than putting odd requests for money out. It means establishing and nurturing relationships, and inviting individuals or organisations to get closer to your work.

5. Get your Board Members to choose their roles

Help your board to see that fundraising is not done through one off meetings, but through a wide range of ongoing activities. Encourage them to decide which projects and activities they feel comfortable supporting – whether it’s attending events, answering questions from potential donors, promoting new initiatives, sending out thank-you letters, or connecting the fundraising team to an individual who might be interesting in giving, there are so many ways board members can contribute!

Click here for the full press release