Government publishes Integrated Review Refresh 2023: Responding to a more contested and volatile world

15 Mar 2023 11:24 AM

Following the 2021 Integrated Review, the Government has now released the Integrated Review Refresh 2023: Responding to a more contested and volatile world. The Refresh updates the Government's Security, Defence, Development and Foreign Policy priorities to reflect the significant changes in the global context since the Integrated Review was first published in 2021.

In this insight, techUK has summarised the financial commitments contained in the Integrated Review Refresh 2023 (IR23), together with its headline strategic conclusions as well as digital and technology specific commitments.

Financial Commitments

IR23 Headline Conclusions

IR23 details the various updates to the strategic framework first outlined in the 2021 Integrated Review (IR21). The framework covers 4 pillars through which the UK will protect its core national interests. These are:

  1. Shape the international environment
  2. Deter, defend and compete across all domains
  3. Address vulnerabilities through resilience
  4. Generate strategic advantage

IR23 sets out several headline strategic conclusions associated with these 4 pillars, based on a response to the accelerated pace of change to the 4 global strategic trends outlined in IR21. The 4 trends are:

  1. Shifts in the distribution of global power
  2. Inter-state, ‘systemic’ competition over the nature of the international order
  3. Rapid technological change
  4. Worsening transnational challenges

Against this strategic content, IR23 commits the Government to:

Technology & Digital Commitments 

You can access the full version of the Integrated Review 2023 Refresh here.