Government to further protect employees from sexual harassment

11 Jul 2019 01:56 PM

Minister for Women and Equalities, Penny Mordaunt, will today (11 July) set out new plans to protect employees across the UK from sexual harassment.

Minister for Women and Equalities, Penny Mordaunt, will today (11 July) set out new plans to protect employees across the UK from sexual harassment.

Following scandals such as the Presidents Club dinner, the plans involve provisions to strengthen the law, giving explicit protections to workers against harassment from third parties.

Minister for Women and Equalities, Penny Mordaunt, said:

“Everyone has the right to be treated with respect and dignity, and that includes their time at work.

“The vast majority of employers take their responsibilities towards their staff in this regard seriously, however we know that some employees have not been protected from vile and degrading behaviour towards them.

“I’m determined government makes a lasting change on this issue, clamping down on the individuals that think they can treat people in this way, and empowering the UK workforce to come forward and get the justice they deserve.”

The wider consultation will consider:

Matthew Percival, CBI Head of Employment, said:

“Businesses are ready to play their part in tackling sexual harassment at work. They will welcome clarity that employees have rights to protection against harassment by third parties. They can also support a new duty that requires reasonable and proportionate steps to minimise the risk of sexual harassment at work.

“Firms with international operations want to see safe workplaces in all parts of the world. The CBI calls on the Government to ratify the first global convention on violence & harassment at work and encourage others to follow.”

As part of the consultation, the GEO would particularly like to hear from individuals who have experienced sexual harassment at work - so employees are better protected in future.

Sexual harassment has been against the law for decades and strong, clear laws against it are set out in the Equality Act 2010.

Even though these laws are in place, recent reports, including those of the #metoo movement, have shown there is still a real, worrying problem with sexual harassment.

The Consultation will look to identify the best approaches to ending this abhorrent behaviour.


Further Information

The consultation comes a week after the GEO launched ‘Gender equality at all stages: A roadmap for change’. This included commitments to consult on carers rights, an updated online divorce system and piloting different approaches to education about gender roles.