Government urges councils to help deliver digital connectivity targets

27 Aug 2020 10:54 AM

Today local authorities will receive correspondence from digital infrastructure minister Matt Warman and local government minister Simon Clarke encouraging them to help boost gigabit broadband rollout and 5G mobile coverage.

Councils are being urged to follow new government advice on land access and valuations so deals granting access for new infrastructure such as 5G masts and full fibre broadband cabinets on public land can be reached quicker and with reasonable rents attached.

Additionally, following attacks on infrastructure and misinformation around 5G government has also shared new guidance on the safety and benefits of 5G so councils can give people the facts and tackle disinformation about this mobile technology - you can find this information below.

Seeking Digital Champions

Councils are also being asked to appoint a ‘digital champion’ to work across multiple teams to ensure a cohesive digital infrastructure strategy and encouraging authorities to use central government’s dedicated ‘barrier busting’ team which is charged with removing the obstacles to rollout.

Today’s announcement is a welcome move and encouraging to see techUK’s recommendation of councillors utilsing their convening power to play a greater role in spearheading transformation of their area by having a digital-first mindset. techUK's 'The council of the future' guide presents some advice for councillors on how to confidently begin the conversations around digital with peers and officers to engender change and build capacity across the council, whilst also delivering the best possible service and outcomes to residents.

You can find more information, including what the individual Ministers and the Group Director of Spectrum at Ofcom have said, here: