Homeless numbers shine spotlight on broken housing market

23 Jun 2017 01:23 PM

Thousands of households are currently living in temporary accommodation away from their local area, according to the Government's statutory homelessness stats for the first quarter of 2017, released on 22 June.

The number of households living in temporary accommodation at the end of Q1 2017 has increased to 77,240, representing an 8% annual increase and a 2% rise since the previous quarter, according to the Department for Communities and Local Government homelessness statistics, released today.

Other key statistics include:

Homeless Link's Chief Executive, Rick Henderson, commented:

“The housing market is broken, with a chronic shortage of low cost housing and people struggling to afford a new private rented tenancy when their current one ends. We know that something has to change; it is not right that thousands of families should have to live in poor quality temporary accommodation, often with shared facilities, and that many of these have been housed away from their local area and established support network.

“Our ask remains the same, and is more critical than ever. It is vital that resources are put behind the Homelessness Reduction Act so that it works as it should, to prevent people from becoming homeless and effectively assist those that do. More than that, establishing a cross-government strategy to end homelessness should be a priority -  alongside urgent action to increase the availability of truly affordable housing -  if we are to ensure that some of the most vulnerable people in our society have the support they need to move on from homelessness for good.”

Compared to Q1 2016, the latest statistics show that in Q1 2017:

See Homeless Link’s interactive data tool for more figures on statutory homelessness

The Government statistics for Statutory homelessness and homelessness prevention and relief, England: January to March 2017 can be found here.