Homelessness Statistics, 2021-22

18 Aug 2022 12:12 PM

A National Statistics Publication for Scotland.

An annual update on Homelessness Statistics covering 2021-22 has been released by Scotland’s Chief Statistician.  

Findings for that period show:


The Homelessness in Scotland: 2021-22 publication presents information on local authority homelessness applications, assessments and outcomes in the period from 1 April 2021 to 31 March 2022, and places it in the context of longer term trends. It also provides data on the number of households in temporary accommodation throughout the same period.

Prior to 2020, there had been little change in the trends in homelessness since 2013-14. However, these have inevitably been disrupted by the COVID-19 pandemic. This resulted in larger than usual changes between years, as well as shifts in the direction of trends in some cases. The previous six-monthly update indicated a return of some of these trends to be more in line with what was experienced pre-pandemic. For that reason, the publication focuses on comparisons not only with 2020-21 but also 2019-20.

Trends appear to be returning to, or towards, pre-pandemic levels. COVID-19 impacted homelessness in the following ways: reported decreases in applications due to stay-at-home guidelines and extended eviction notice periods; cases remaining open for longer due to a limited ability to move households in to permanent accommodation due to lack of supply and ability to conduct repairs or viewings; greater use of temporary accommodation from existing applicants who had previously turned down an offer but who then required it. Local authorities have reported the ongoing effects of COVID-19, in particular high levels of backlogs due to the increased use of temporary accommodation during the pandemic. These backlogs have more recently been further exacerbated by a shortage of tradespeople and building materials, as well as the increased cost of materials to turn around empty properties. This will impact 2021-22 figures.

Official statistics are produced by professionally independent statistical staff – more information on the standards of official statistics in Scotland is available on the Scottish Government website.