How to maximise the working from home experience (and some ideas for when the children are at home from school)

23 Mar 2020 01:01 PM

Socitm Advisory prides itself on the relationships we foster with our customers, our partners and importantly, our people. We are facing some challenging times, times which change on an almost hourly basis, moving at incredible pace.

Increasingly we are going to have to take steps to deliver on our programme objectives through remote working, relying upon collaboration tools, predominantly through O365. We have created this guidance document, including top tips and best practices from both personal and industry experiences that will help and support you and your families whilst working from home (including a time when the schools may be shut).

Some guidance is practical, and some is aimed at maintaining a good family equilibrium by getting the kids involved – which we are sure you will love.

So here goes:

Getting Organised:

Set up a separate office area to schooling space:

Create a schedule or gardening calendar:

Manage your availability:

Batch tasks

if you have a two-hour window, use that to focus just one topic e.g. report writing – try not to jump around as this encourages downtime.

Buddy up on projects:

What about the Kids?

Explore activities to keep children engaged and interested whilst at home.

Clearly communicate with your kids

Explain the new scenario and ask for ideas on how to make it work. Get them involved in the solution.

Create mini work-related tasks that the children can support on:

Create time for your work schedule:

Offer incentives, this could be anything from:

Agree signals for when it’s ok to talk: (eg. when on calls)

A colleague previously used a coat hanger on the door as a sign not to be disturbed (unless in an emergency of course).

Click here for the full blog post