ILL vacancies

29 Apr 2016 01:22 PM

Vacancy Head of Administration at the ILL


Institut Laue-Langevin
(Credit: Wurzeller)

Here's the opportunity to work within one of our leading international science organisations, the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL).

The vacancy for the Head of the Administration Division has been published. The post can also be found on the ILL website. Closing date is the 20th May.

For background information on the position, contact Jennifer Scratcher.

ILL announces the appointment of its next Director

The Institut Laue-Langevin, an international research centre based in Grenoble, France, has recently announced the appointment of Prof Helmut Schober as its next Director.

Prof Schober will take up the post on the 01 October 2016 following the end of the tenure of the current Director of the ILL, Prof Bill Stirling. Prof Schober has extensive experience of the ILL, having led the Institute’s Time-of Flight – High Resolution group for 10 years, prior to becoming Science Director and German Associate Director of the ILL in 2011.

The ILL is a reactor-based facility and is the most intense neutron source for scientific research in the world. ILL is owned by the three founding countries: France, Germany and the United Kingdom.