Improved energy efficiency standards reducing bills

27 Jun 2019 11:58 AM

Social landlords lead the way.

Low income households are saving on their fuel bills as a result of improved energy efficiency measures in their homes.

In 2014 the Scottish Government set the first energy efficiency standard for social housing, to be achieved by 2020, and 80% of social rented homes are already compliant.

A new standard, launched yesterday, will build on this success and sets an even higher standard of energy efficiency for social housing to meet by 2032.

The Scottish Government has also announced £17.6 million loan funding to support householders in 2019-20 to make their homes more energy efficient.

Last year, 15,000 Scottish households saved more than £4.6 million on fuel bills as a result of energy efficiency measures installed through the Scottish Government’s schemes, such as insulation, double glazing and heating controls.

Housing Minister Kevin Stewart yesterday said:

“A warm, safe home gives people a greater sense of wellbeing and saves them money.

“Importantly, by achieving the new standard social landlords will reduce poor energy efficiency to reach our fuel poverty targets and contribute to achieving the Scottish Government’s ambitious climate change emissions reductions targets.

“Social landlords are making excellent progress towards achieving the first energy efficiency milestone and I am confident that they will continue to lead the way in making our homes warmer and greener.

“The additional £3.5 million funding provided through the second round of the Decarbonisation Fund will help further landlords’ progress, encouraging innovative approaches and ideas.”


All social housing meets, or can be treated as meeting, EPC Band B (Energy Efficiency rating), or is as energy efficient as practically possible, by the end of December 2032 and within the limits of cost, technology and necessary consent