Intellectual property: Protecting Europe's know-how and innovation leadership

30 Nov 2017 12:23 PM

The Commission yesterday presented measures to ensure that intellectual property rights are well protected, thereby encouraging European companies, in particular SMEs and start-ups, to invest in innovation and creativity.

The new initiatives will make it easier to act efficiently against breaches of intellectual property rights, facilitate cross-border litigation, and tackle the fact that 5% of goods imported into the EU (worth €85 billion) are counterfeited or pirated. The Commission also encourages licensing negotiations which are fair and balanced in rewarding companies for their innovation while allowing also others to build on this technology to generate new innovative products and services.

Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, responsible for Jobs, Growth Investment and Competitiveness, yesterday said: "Europe's economic growth and competitiveness largely depends on our many entrepreneurs – from start-ups to large companies – investing in new ideas and knowledge. The comprehensive package we are presenting today improves the application and enforcement of intellectual property rights and encourages investment in technology and product development in Europe."

Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs Commissioner Elżbieta BieÅ„kowska, added: "Today we boost our collective ability to catch the 'big fish' behind fake goods and pirated content which harm our companies and our jobs – as well as our health and safety in areas such as medicines or toys. We are also placing Europe as a global leader with a patent licensing system that is conducive to the roll-out of the Internet of Things from smartphones to connected cars."

The measures adopted yesterday include:

Stepping up the fight against counterfeiting and piracy: The Commission seeks to deprive commercial-scale IP infringers of the revenue flows that make their criminal activity lucrative – this is the so-called ‘follow the money' approach which focuses on the 'big fish' rather than individuals. It also ensures that enforcement actions are adapted to the requirements of today's digital age. With the new initiatives, the Commission aims to:

Creating a fair and balanced system for Standard Essential Patents: Many key technologies that are part of global industry standards (such as WiFi or 4G) are protected by Standard Essential Patents (SEPs). The Commission offers guidance and recommendations for a balanced and efficient SEPs system where two objectives are reconciled: product manufacturers can access technologies under transparent and predictable licensing rules; and at the same time patent-holders are rewarded for their investments in R&D and standardisation activities so that they are incentivised to offer their best technologies for inclusion in standards. More transparency and predictability should give the EU – including its many start-ups – a head-start in the global technological innovation race and fully grasp the potential of 5G and the Internet of Things.

The Commission will closely monitor the progress on the proposed measures and assess the need for further steps.


The new initiatives were announced in the 2015 Single Market Strategy – a roadmap to deliver on President Juncker's political commitment to unleash the full potential of the Single Market and make it the launchpad for European companies to thrive in the global economy. Delivering on the Single Market Strategy, the Commission has already put forward proposals on e-commerceguidance on the collaborative economy, steps to modernise the EU's standardisation policy, a Start-up and Scale-up Initiativemeasures to give a fresh boost to the services sector and steps to enhance compliance and practical functioning of the EU Single Market.

For more information:

MEMO/17/4943 - Frequently Asked Questions

Factsheet - The protection of Intellectual Property

Factsheet - Why Intellectual Property Rights matter

Factsheet - Standard Essential Patents

Communication: A balanced IP enforcement system responding to today's societal challenges

Communication: Guidance on the Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights

Report on the functioning of the Memorandum of Understanding on the sale of counterfeitgoods via the internet

Report on the Evaluation of Directive on the enforcement of intellectual property rights (IPRED)

Communication: Setting out the EU approach to Standard Essential Patents

Press contacts:

General public inquiries: Europe Direct by phone 00 800 67 89 10 11 or by email