JRF - Response to Housing White Paper

8 Feb 2017 11:43 AM

Campbell Robb, chief executive of the independent Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF), responded to the Government’s Housing White Paper

The Housing White Paper shows that the Government recognises the scale of the housing problem and has made an important shift in its housing plans to increase the number of homes for renters. But it contains a glaring omission - a lack of new, genuinely affordable homes to rent for families struggling with rising rents, particularly in high-cost parts of the country. For many people in the UK, high rental costs make the difference between just about managing and not being able to manage at all: poverty in the private rented sector has doubled in the last decade, leaving millions trapped in insecure, expensive housing. Increasing supply is crucial, but the cost of renting matters too and today’s offer is out of reach for many of those on low incomes.” 

Housing white paper: statement