LGA: Taxi reforms urgently needed as licensed driver numbers hit record high

4 Nov 2019 02:34 PM

​​​​​​​Outdated and flawed taxi laws need urgently reforming as new figures show the number of licensed drivers and vehicles have hit a record high, the Local Government Association has said

The LGA is calling on the Government to strengthen taxi and private hire legislation - some of which dates back to 1847 and horse-drawn hackney carriages - to improve passenger safety in light of the proliferation of app-based taxi and private hire vehicle (PHV) companies and increased out-of-area working.

It comes as the latest figures show:

The LGA is warning that due to outdated legislation and new technology, councils cannot take enforcement action against the rising numbers of unlicensed drivers operating in their area.

Councils argue that revamped taxi laws could make enforcement easier through introducing a common set of licensing standards and be updated to reflect new technology which would help reduce the risk of child sexual exploitation, improve passenger safety, and create a level playing field for drivers by tackling out-of-area working. 

The LGA is also calling for national minimum licensing standards for drivers of taxis and PHVs, and a mandatory national database of all licensed taxi and PHV drivers. 

In order to strengthen licensing processes, the LGA last year launched its own national register of taxi and PHV licences which have been refused or revoked so councils can check new applicants against the database and update it with their own information. 

But whilst updated statutory guidance for councils around taxi licensing is a positive step, it says ultimately the best way to strengthen safeguarding measures and ensure a level playing field for all drivers is for government to update taxi laws.  

Cllr Simon Blackburn, Chair of the LGA’s Safer and Stronger Communities Board, said: 

“Updating outdated and flawed taxi licensing laws has never been more urgent to provide safer journeys for the public and fairer business for drivers.

“The Government must stick to the commitment that was made earlier this year to reform taxi legislation. 

“Reforms are needed to reflect the increasing use of mobile phone apps to book taxis and private hire vehicles and to give councils national enforcement powers so they can take action against any vehicles operating in their areas irrespective of where they are licensed. 

“Safeguarding legislation needs to be strengthened following well-documented child exploitation cases where taxi and PHV drivers have abused the trust placed in them. 

“Undue delay risks public safety.”

Notes to editors

  1. Taxi and private hire vehicle legislation is primarily concentrated in the Town Police Clauses Act 1847 and the Local Government (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1976.
  2. Government’s response to the Task and Finish Group on taxi and private hire vehicle licensing report in February announced plans for new legislation.
  3. Taxi and private hire vehicle statistics, England 2019 show that the total number of licensed vehicles increased by 2.5 per cent (7,200 vehicles) between 2018 and 2019 and that PHV licences increased by 4.4 per cent (9,732 vehicles) over the same period.
  4. In July 2018, the LGA launched a national register of taxi and PHV licence refusals and revocations - www.local.gov.uk/topics/licences-regulations-and-trading-standards/new-national-register-taxi-and-private-hire 
  5. LGA handbook for councillors to provide best practice in taxi licensing.