LGA responds to BHF report on air pollution

4 Feb 2020 09:42 AM

Cllr David Renard, the Local Government Association’s transport spokesman, responded to a report by the British Heart Foundation, which shows 15 million people live in areas which exceed strict toxic air guidelines,

“Councils want to work with the Government to reduce harmful emissions, and have introduced a range of measures to tackle air pollution, such as Clean Air Zones, encouraging the use of electric vehicles with recharging points and promoting cycling.

“They have also been investing in cleaner buses, managing borough-wide air pollution monitoring networks, planning for new places in ways that improve air quality, and engaging with businesses to increase awareness and reduce their environmental impact.

“For air quality plans to be successful, they need to be underpinned by local flexibility and sufficient funding, while issues around resourcing and capacity also need to be addressed.  

“Local powers are also needed to further tackle air pollution, particularly with regard to moving traffic offences and robust national action to help the country transition to lower emission travel, including cycling and walking and an effective national bus strategy.”

Government must go further and faster on air pollution