LGA responds to Government's new drugs strategy

18 Jul 2017 09:20 AM

Cllr Izzi Seccombe, Chairman of the LGA’s Community Wellbeing Board responded to the Government’s new drugs strategy

“Local government will continue to play its part in working with national government to deliver on our shared ambition to support those individuals and their families devastated by the harm caused by drug misuse.

"We have long argued that reductions by central government to the public health grant in local government that is used to fund drug and alcohol prevention and treatment services is a short-term approach and one that will only compound acute pressures for criminal justice and NHS services further down the line.

“Leaving councils to pick up the bill for new national policies while being handed further spending reductions cannot be an option. Pressure will be placed on already stretched local services if the Government fails to fully assess the impact of their funding decisions.”

Notes to editors

Government’s new drug strategy