LGA responds to announcement of green number plates consultation

22 Oct 2019 02:59 PM

The Local Government Association’s transport spokesman, Cllr David Renard, responded to the announcement by the Government that it will consult over introducing green number plates to encourage use of electric vehicles

“The introduction of green number plates could be a helpful tool for councils looking to encourage use of zero emission vehicles, which they can tailor and adapt according to their local area.

“Councils have already introduced several measures to reduce emissions and improve air quality, such as encouraging the use of electric vehicles with recharging points, promoting cycling, investing in cleaner buses, managing borough-wide air pollution monitoring networks, and pioneering the concept of low-emission zones.

“However the electric car charging point market will need to strengthen if the transition to electric vehicles is going to be successful. Councils cannot do this alone but we are keen to work with the Government and the private sector to make this happen.

“To make the climate change agenda work, everybody has a role to play.”

Z3R0 EM15510N future: government to introduce green number plates