LGA responds to changes to broadband speed advertising guidance

23 Nov 2017 10:41 AM

Cllr Mark Hawthorne, Chairman of the Local Government Association’s People and Places Board, responded to yesterday’s announcement by the Committees of Advertising Practice (CAP) that broadband speed claims used in advertising should be based on the download speed available to at least 50 per cent of customers at peak time and described as “average”

“We are pleased that the CAP has beefed up standards and improved transparency around the advertising of download speeds, which the LGA has long called for.

“All residents have a right to expect good digital connectivity to help them cut household bills, shop online for cheaper goods, keep in touch with distant relatives, access their bank accounts. These long overdue changes are the fairest, most transparent measure to help residents know what they are getting when choosing a broadband package.

“We urge the CAP to ensure these standards are adhered to across all broadband products, including those targeted at businesses.

“In its current form, the headline ‘up to’ download speed, which can be advertised legally, is misleading and does not reflect the reality of broadband service received across the country.

“Broadband users deserve greater honesty and openness about the download and upload speeds they are likely to receive depending on their location.”

Major change to broadband speed claims in ads

Notes To Editors

Current ASA guidance recommends that advertisers only use maximum speed claims that are achievable by at least 10 per cent of customers and are preceded with the words “up to”, qualified, where appropriate, with information to help manage consumers’ expectations of achievable speeds and the factors affecting them.  

The LGA’s Up to Speed campaign aims to ensure every resident and business has access to faster broadband. Our resource enables you to test the broadband in your area, maps local broadband speeds and provides further information on how to make the best broadband accessible.