Labour's broadband pledge: statement from techUK, UKCTA, INCA and ISPA

18 Nov 2019 01:42 PM

Joint statement from techUK, UKCTA, INCA and ISPA regarding Labour's pledge for free broadband.

Regarding Labour's pledge for free broadband, techUK made a joint statement with UKCTA, INCA and ISPA on this matter:

Labour have rightly identified the potential of widespread full fibre and the transformative benefits it will bring to the UK. However, as an industry we believe this proposal will halt the significant investment already flowing into the industry, slow the large scale builds currently underway, risk jobs now and in the future, and leave consumers with no choice. We stand ready to work with whatever Government is elected on best way to deliver fit for purpose broadband to the UK as soon as possible and will provided further comment on Labour’s plans in the coming days.