Landlords Welcome MPs’ Report on Private Rented Sector

28 Mar 2023 04:21 PM

The NRLA welcome the proposals from MPs to reform the private rented sector, following the release of the Levelling Up, Housing and Communities Select Committee’s report on the Government’s planned changes to the market.

In its report the Committee warns that: “It is not clear whether the Government fully appreciates the extent to which an unreformed courts system could undermine its tenancy reforms.”

Whilst the report calls for the development of a specialist housing court, it sets out how, at the very least, measures are needed to considerably speed up the time it takes for the courts to process legitimate possession cases. Specifically, it states how matters relating to rent arears or anti-social behaviour require a swift response from the courts.

The Committee report concludes:

Chris Norris, Policy Director for the National Residential Landlords Association, said:

“We warmly welcome much of today’s report and thank the Committee for taking on board many of the arguments we have made.

“The NRLA has never been against reform of the sector, but it has to be fair and workable for both tenants and landlords. That is why the Committee is right to call for court reform to underpin the ending of Section 21, changes in plans for student tenancies and ensuring cases of anti-social behaviour are prioritised by the courts.

“As the Committee rightly notes, the biggest challenge faced by many renters is that there are not enough homes to rent. All the protections in the world will mean nothing for tenants if the homes are not there in the first place.  That’s why the Government should accept the Committee and the NRLA’s call for a full review of the impact of recent tax changes in the sector.”