Latest industry data shows fall in financial fraud

28 Sep 2017 03:30 PM

Financial fraud losses of £366.4 million in the first half of 2017 were 8 per cent lower year-on-year, figures from UK Finance show. The data, which covers payment cards, remote banking and cheques, also shows that the industry prevented over £750 million of fraud during the same period, or 67 per cent of attempted fraud. This compares with £400.4 million of losses and £678.7 million of prevented fraud in the first half of 2016.

Fraudsters are increasingly trying to use customers’ compromised personal and financial information to carry out fraud. Details are primarily stolen through online attacks, such as data hacks and malware, as well as through impersonation scams directly targeting customers.

The new data comes as the banking industry and government join forces to launch the next phase of Take Five to Stop Fraud – the national campaign that offers advice to help customers protect themselves from fraud. Launching on Monday 2 October 2017, the campaign is focused on helping customers to recognise scams and confidently challenge any requests for their personal or financial details by remembering the phrase ‘My money? My info? I don’t think so’.

Data for January to June 2017

Positive impact of fighting fraud

T/Commander Dave Clark of the City of London Police, the national policing lead for fraud, said: 

"Today’s figures from UK Finance illustrate the positive impact that partnerships between industry and policing can have on fighting fraud.

"There is still much to do, particularly in relation to identify theft and the crimes it enables. Stolen identities can be used to apply for fake bank accounts and credit or, as highlighted by City of London Police this week, be used to set up criminal websites. Criminals are smart and use many techniques to get hold of our personal data, and once they have it, they use it for criminal activity that ultimately can decimate lives. We urge everyone to check what data is publicly available about themselves and be extremely careful with what they post on social media."

Katy Worobec, Head of Fraud and Financial Crime Prevention, Cyber and Data Sharing at UK Finance, said:
“Tackling fraud is a top priority for the entire industry. But financial fraud is not just an issue for the banking sector – its harmful effects stretch far and wide. This is why when it comes to prevention, protection or deterrents the industry is committed to taking a collaborative approach to curb these crimes and is launching the latest Take Five consumer campaign. Whether it’s banks refining their own security systems or a retailer holding customer data securely, everyone has a part to play.

“Next week our Take Five to Stop Fraud campaign in partnership with the Home Office kicks off to make sure customers know what to do to stay safe from the latest scams. Through the campaign we want to encourage all customers to remember to Take Five by saying ‘My money? My info? I don’t think so’.”

The Take Five to Stop Fraud campaign is backed by financial providers across the industry. The campaign encourages everyone to question uninvited approaches and never give out personal or financial details. Customers can expect to see and hear Take Five ‘My money? My info? I don’t think so’ across a wide range of media including radio and online over the coming months.

Tony Blake, Senior Fraud Prevention Officer at the Dedicated Card and Payment Crime Unit, the industry sponsored specialist police unit, said:
“Fraudsters will do all they can to appear like the real deal, so always be on your guard for any calls, texts or emails out of the blue asking for your details. They may even be able to quote some basic information about you. Stop and think before you give away any information and if you are the slightest bit unsure then hang up and don’t reply. Instead contact the organisation directly on a number you trust, such as the one on their official website.”

Take Five urges customers to help stay safe from fraud by following simple advice: