Launch of £46 million 'Changing Futures' scheme to support vulnerable people

10 Dec 2020 01:51 PM

New scheme to help adults across England facing multiple disadvantages like homelessness and mental health issues.

A £46 million scheme to provide more effective and coordinated support for some of the most vulnerable people in our communities was launched yesterday (10 December 2020) by Minister for Rough Sleeping and Housing Kelly Tolhurst.

The government is inviting local organisations to form partnerships and bid for a share of the funding to better support those who experience multiple disadvantages including homelessness, substance misuse, mental health issues, domestic abuse, and contact with the criminal justice system.

These people are among the most vulnerable in our communities, facing entrenched disadvantage and trauma. They often experience difficulties in getting the coordinated support from local services that they need.

This can lead to increased reoffending, greater risk of rough sleeping and ill-health and can result in a higher demand and costs for local response services and the criminal justice system.

The ‘Changing Futures’ programme aims to establish new, innovative and co-ordinated ways to better support vulnerable adults. The prospectus, published yesterday, invites expressions of interest from organisations such as councils, health bodies, police, probation services, voluntary and community sector organisations to form local partnerships.

Minister for Rough Sleeping and Housing, Kelly Tolhurst yesterday said:

This £46 million funding will help some of the most vulnerable people in our communities turn their lives around and build a brighter future.

The ‘Changing Futures’ programme gives local organisations the flexibility and resources they need to work in partnership to deliver effective support where it is needed most. I look forward to receiving really innovative bids for projects that will make a real difference to so many people’s lives

The Programme, announced at the Budget, aims to deliver improvements at the individual, service and system level:

The programme will run alongside evaluation, applying learning from local areas to national policymaking, aiming to deliver better outcomes with taxpayers’ money.

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