MEPs call for concrete details and novel tools to address the economic crisis

28 Apr 2020 12:43 PM

MEPs on Monday quizzed Commissioners Dombrovskis and Gentiloni on planned measures to tackle the looming economic crisis due to COVID-19.

Opening the discussion held within the Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee, Committee Chair Irene Tinagli (S&D, IT) underlined that although the measures agreed by the European Council were to be welcomed, more was needed, including fresh funds. “At stake is more than solidarity”, Ms Tinagli said, explaining that “the divergences that risk being created could lead to unprecedented pressure for the European Union”.

The divergences on the horizon were highlighted by both Mr Dombrovskis and Mr Gentiloni, who agreed that this was the primary reason that more measures were needed to help the hardest hit regions and countries.

The devil is in the detail

Various MEPs asked for more details on the planned interplay between the EU’s long-term budget and the envisaged recovery fund. Many also wanted to find out more about how the recovery fund would function, especially regarding what proportion would consist of grants. Questions were also asked regarding the mechanism for allocating the fund’s money between the countries.

Click here for the full press release