Major food reformulation should be at the centre of Boris Johnson’s obesity strategy, says new report from Demos

10 Aug 2020 04:10 PM

A new report from Demos [published on 10 August 2020] has found that the food market in the UK is not working for consumers, with too many in the UK facing significant barriers to eating healthy diets. 

Demos is calling on the Government to use money raised from the Sugar Levy, Soft Drinks Industry Levy, and a recommended Harmful Processed Meats Levy, to invest in a new transformative Food and Agriculture Sector Deal. 

Turning the Tables, which explores public attitudes towards healthy eating, estimates that 20 million adults cannot afford healthy foods in the UK, and that 19 million cannot find healthy foods available in shops close to their home. A new Sector Deal would accelerate research and development in reformulating food on a much greater scale than seen before, to make them healthier and more cost-effective for consumers.

The research has also found, through a survey of 1,000 UK adults, that the British public are in favour of more interventionist policies to tackle unhealthy eating, particularly ones that are supportive of healthy eating. Almost three quarters of people (71%) would support government subsidies that make healthy foods cheaper. Almost half (47%) would support additional taxes on unhealthy foods.

The report also finds:

In addition to industry innovation, the report also argues making it harder to sell unhealthy foods is a vital part of encouraging the market to shift towards producing healthier foods. 

Demos is calling for the Government to introduce a levy on nitrite-cured processed meats, which the World Health Organisation have linked directly to bowel cancer.

Commenting on the report’s findings, Rose Lasko-Skinner, Researcher at Demos and Turning the Tabless author said:

“Boris Johnson’s strategy to crackdown on obesity is a welcome step in the right direction. But it doesn’t go far enough in tackling root causes of obesity – many of which lie in our food sector, rather than with retailers. Our research shows there is an opportunity for the Government to be even bolder, and pioneers for a new era of food innovation.

“By stimulating groundbreaking innovation in the food sector, the Government could make food healthier, more affordable and provide better choices for consumers, whilst supporting the workforce in the recovery from Covid-19. With the political will to make it happen, it has the potential to transform the health of people in Britain from all walks of life.”

In his foreword for the report, Conservative Peer and former Secretary of State for Health, Lord Lansley, said:

“Efforts at reformulating foods and promoting healthier options have had some successes: reducing salt and trans-fats, the sugary drinks levy, calorie labelling, supporting fresh foods in corner shops. But the overall impact has been insufficient and the polarisation of debate between those who see this as an issue of liberty and those who want to bring in the ‘Ban on Unhealthy Foods Act’ has too often hindered worthwhile progress.

“That is why I welcome this report, which rightly lays emphasis on understanding public opinion and proven consumer preferences, to identify which interventions will gather public support and generate the right response. This means promoting information and choice, pushing hard for the reformulations which consumers will tolerate, and shifting the balance of affordability away from energy-dense, processed foods high in sugar and fats, and towards fresh foods and ingredients.”

The report also recommends:

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Turning the Tables