Meet May's Cloud Champion

16 May 2017 12:30 PM

Congratulations Ian Bell, Director of Information for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire & Hertfordshire Police on becoming techUK's May Cloud Champion!

techUK's 'Cloud Champion' campaign showcases technology leaders that are playing a leadership role in championing and supporting organisation’s move to the cloud. The campaign will highlight best practice by leaders that are creating cloud enabled organisations, across all sectors, and a cloud driven workforce that will be vital for the UK’s digital future.

This campaign follows the launch of techUK's Cloud 2020 Vision for keeping the UK at the forefront of Cloud adoption which highlighted the importance of supporting organisations given the cultural shift required to optimise the use of cloud.

A new techUK 'Cloud Champion’ will be chosen every month, so if you would like to nominate a friend or colleague to be the next 'Cloud Champion' please drop Sue Daley a line with a bit of information about them!

May's Cloud Champion is Ian Bell, Director, NPCC National Enabling Programs & Director of Information Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Hertfordshire Police.

Read on for a little taster and find the full interview below.

What is your current role and responsibilities?

I am currently the Enabling Programmes Director for National Police Chiefs Councils. My key
responsibilities are to see the successful delivery of 3 significant programmes for policing in the form of Productivity Services, Identity Access Management and Security Operations Centre.

What does a typical day involve?

Working with my small team, a partner, National Police Technology Council and the individual ICT Leads to be as informed as we can be as pull together the various plans, communications, business
cases and commercial to ensure we create an opportunity for policing to have the capability to be
consume flexible services rather than continue in the isolated on-prem fashion it does now.

What do you most enjoy about your work?

The diversity in policing in second to none, it’s a brilliant field to be working in! There are so many opportunities now for technology to have a whole sale impact on the way policing is delivered in the years to come and the appetite within in the sector to change is importantly now there also.

How have you supported the organisations adoption and implementation of cloud?

As well as championing cloud adoption among police via my national role, I am also the Patron of techUK’s Justice & Emergency Services Programme. As Patron, I am able to help improve the interface between police and the tech supplier community. It provides me with opportunities to address industry and colleagues in policing to promote digital transformation. For example, I recently spoke at a techUK event to promote cloud adoption within policing, and am currently contributing to a thought-leadership paper, which spells out the operational and business benefits that cloud adoption could generate for police.

Ian gave more detailed answers to these and other questions which you can read by clicking below.

For more information and to nominate a techUK 'Cloud Champion' please contact Sue Daley, Head of Programme | Cloud, Data Analytics and AI

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