NEPO513 Legal Services: DWF webinar on Subsidy Control rules (12 Feb)

3 Feb 2021 11:30 AM

NEPO513 Legal Services provides the UK public sector with legal support for general requirements as well as specialist fields such as employment, housing and licensing.

DWF are a supplier to NEPO513 Legal Services. They are holding a free webinar for UK public sector bodies to consider what actions need to be taken following the publication of new subsidy control rules.

The UK is now subject to a new set of rules on subsidies. These are called the Subsidy Control rules and in many cases they replace the EU State aid regime. DWF is a leading law firm for all aspects of public funding and their experts are hosting a webinar on this subject on 12 February 2021.

The webinar will explain what actions UK public sector organisations need to take when making awards. This includes taking into account the impact of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement, the WTO Anti-Subsidy and Countervailing Measures Agreement, new government guidance and where relevant, the EU State aid rules.

To register your free place, complete the online booking form and DWF will send you further details prior to the event.