NHS Confederation - Considerable uncertainty over ICS accountability, new report finds

30 Jan 2020 10:18 AM

NHS and local government leaders have raised concerns over the ‘considerable uncertainty’ surrounding the accountability and governance arrangements of integrated care systems (ICSs), which are set to cover the whole of England by April 2021.

Lack of clarity over roles and relationships, confusion over the interaction between ICS objectives and existing statutory duties, and uncertainty over the role and significance of ‘place’ are among concerns highlighted in a new report from the NHS Confederation’s ICS Network and Solace.

Delivering together: developing effective accountability in integrated care systems spotlights the views of senior leaders on how system accountability should develop. It follows a roundtable discussion in October 2019 which explored health and care systems’ ‘internal’ accountability, their accountability to national arm’s-length bodies and government, and accountability to local communities.

“Participants reported a lack of clarity over aspects of ICS ‘internal’ accountability, including the role of constituent organisations, the relationship of constituent organisations’ statutory roles to ICS roles, and the relationship of ICSs to health and wellbeing boards,” the report argues.

“In addition, there is a sense that there are too many circular conversations about governance, and too many national and regional meetings to discuss  ICS accountability. These can seem to be an exercise in anxiety management, rather than serving a specific and local purpose,” the report goes on to say.

Based on the discussion, which featured senior NHS and local government leaders, the report makes a number of recommendations, including:

Download the report to find out more.

The NHS Confederation’s ICS Network, launched in November 2019, is one of a number of activities the organisation is undertaking to support local systems. Find out more about the network.