NHS Confederation - Inclusive leadership pledge

22 Mar 2023 08:28 PM

Sign our inclusive leadership pledge to demonstrate your commitment to being an inclusive leader.

If you are a leader keen to create a psychologically safe working environment for all of your staff, we have developed an inclusive leadership pledge, with nine behaviours you can adopt to model inclusive leadership. 

Sign and share the pledge now to demonstrate your commitment to modelling inclusive leadership.

What is an inclusive leader? 

Inclusive leaders take action to create, change and innovate while balancing everybody’s views and needs. They have the courage to take conscious steps to break down barriers for all people in society.  

They actively seek difference, invite and welcome everyone’s individual contribution, and take steps to seek out full engagement with the processes of decision-making and shaping reality.

Sign our pledge today

We encourage all leaders, and aspiring leaders, across health and care to sign our inclusive leadership pledge.

Share your commitment to role-modelling inclusive leadership: 

Swipe to read the nine inclusive leadership behaviours

This leadership pledge has been developed and co-produced with the support of NHS Confederation’s three leadership networks – the BME Leadership NetworkHealth and Care LGBTQ+ Leaders Network; and Health and Care Women Leaders Network.