NHS Confederation - Lifting restrictions on trusts testing staff for Covid-19 welcomed

2 Apr 2020 10:42 AM

Niall Dickson, chief executive of the NHS Confederation, which represents organisations across the healthcare sector, responded to the news that the 15 per cent cap on trusts testing staff for COVID-19 will be removed 

“Of course, NHS trusts should decide for themselves how many Covid-19 tests should be used for staff.

“There is frustration across the service that it may take another few weeks before we reach the 25,000 tests a day that have been promised. Too many staff have had to self-isolate and we need to people to get back to work as soon as possible.  

“We are also waiting for the new antibody test which also cannot come soon enough. It sometimes feels as if we are engaging in this battle with one hand tied behind our backs.

“We know everyone at the centre is working day and night to make things happen, but testing is a real priority. We cannot have more delays.” 

NHS England and Improvement letter lifts testing restrictions