NHS Confederation - PCN Network‘Promising signal’ on draft PCN specifications

3 Feb 2020 01:51 PM

Improvement has published a high level summary of the engagement it has carried out with Primary Care Networks in relation to the draft service specifications and the key areas of feedback it has received.

In response, Ruth Rankine, director of the NHS Confederation’s PCN Network, said:

“We are pleased that NHS England and NHS Improvement has reaffirmed its commitment to Primary Care Networks and the desire to see them succeed. It is absolutely right that they seek to address the significant concerns raised by the NHS Confederation on behalf of PCN clinical directors.

“The revised GP Contract has to give clinical directors the time, funding and support they need to get their Primary Care Networks off the ground, which means being realistic about the pace and scale of what is being asked of them.

“We have been given a promising signal but the next few days will be crucial.”

  1. For further information about the summary from NHS England and NHS Improvement on the feedback it received in relation to the draft service specifications for Primary Care Networks, please visit: https://www.england.nhs.uk/primary-care/primary-care-networks/pcn-service-specifications-and-the-network-des-analysis-of-engagement/
  2. The NHS Confederation has launched a new PCN Network, which will provide a collective voice for Primary Care Networks across England and influence national policy and debate, working in partnership the National Association of Primary Care, the British Medical Association and the Royal College of General Practitioners. For further information about the PCN Network and how clinical directors can register their interest, please visit: https://www.nhsconfed.org/networks/PCN-Network
  3. For further information about the NHS Confederation’s report, “Equipped for success? What clinical directors need for effective Primary Care Networks” as well the NHS Confederation’s response to NHS England and NHS Improvement’s consultation on the draft service specifications for Primary Care Networks, please visit: https://www.nhsconfed.org/networks/PCN-Network.