NHS Confederation - Test and trace figures yo-yo while pay for self-isolation welcome

27 Aug 2020 02:52 PM

Danny Mortimer, deputy chief executive of the NHS Confederation, responded to the latest NHS test and trace figures for England 

“The latest test and trace figures show a yo-yo effect with vital improvements in some areas balanced out by steps back in others.

“The first decrease in positive cases since July is welcome but comes as testing capacity is down. The 65 per cent increase in people transferred to the contact tracing system appears good news but came as a result of IT problems in the previous week. The number of people reached afterwards has also fallen.

“The success of test and trace will be crucial to protect both the public and the NHS as we head towards a difficult winter.  There is clearly still much work to do to ensure both the public and the NHS receive the protection and reassurance they need

“The figures come as analysis shows fewer under-65s with serious health conditions in England received flu vaccinations last year, another worrying trend.

“However, the Government pilot to give workers on low incomes where there are high rates of coronavirus up to £182 to self-isolate is a step in the right direction although there will be concern that the sum is not enough of an incentive to stay home.”