NHS Confederation responds to the publication of the Wales Audit Office (WAO) report on the NHS Finance Wales Act 2014

11 Jul 2017 09:47 AM

“The recommendations, if implemented by the Welsh Government, would help to create better conditions for our members to meet their break-even duties.”

“Our members have embraced the longer term focus on planning created under the Act, but as the report shows there is still room to go further.”

“The report recognises the financial pressure on the NHS. We now welcome clarity from Welsh Government on the strategic direction, medium term public finances, and budget allocations and how this will help NHS organisations to plan more effectively and make better use of the financial flexibility afforded by the Act.”

“We welcome the recommendations of the report to review the funding formula and to strengthen guidance on managing the three year break even duties. These measures taken together will help the Welsh Government and the NHS in Wales to make the most of the resources available and to secure a sustainable health sector for the future.”

Welsh Government using the NHS finances act to drive better planning of services and finances