New figures reveal £400 million in National Lottery funding has gone to UK communities since start of COVID-19 crisis

5 Oct 2020 01:14 PM

New figures out today reveal that over £400 million has gone to communities across the UK since lockdown, thanks to National Lottery players. Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19, players have continued to support The National Lottery, enabling many millions in much-needed funding to continue to flow to amazing local projects and good causes.

The money, distributed by The National Lottery Community Fund, the largest funder of community activity in the UK, has been used by communities to help tackle local problems caused by the pandemic, as well as to continue longer standing projects designed to improve lives and help people thrive.

The money has reached more than 8,200 community groups to date, funding activities ranging from respite care for families with children who have additional needs to support with odd jobs around the home for vulnerable disabled people, as well as projects focussed on helping communities cope with the crisis.

Good causes of all sizes – from grassroots groups to UK-wide charities – have benefited, making it possible for them to continue their inspiring work supporting people and communities through these tough times. There are many amazing examples of community spirit, neighbourliness and civic action. The money from National Lottery players is helping to keep that spirit going.

In the East of England, Disability Peterborough was awarded almost £50,000 so that a team of staff and volunteers could provide a range of support, including a new handy person service to local disabled people, helping them with small jobs around the house during the pandemic. Wearing PPE and adhering to social distancing, the staff and volunteers have helped people with all sorts of tasks such as replacing light bulbs, delivering jigsaws, cleaning bed sheets and gardening. The team have made hundreds of visits to disabled people’s homes in the last three months – many of whom have little or no social contact with others.

Handyman and armed forces veteran Jeff, pictured far left, is just one of the team who has been working around the clock to help those in need. Not only has he been doing odd jobs in their homes, but also recognised other issues people are facing, such as struggling financially, and referred them to other Disability Peterborough services that can support them further.

Click here for the full press release