New map of London’s homelessness services launched

29 Jan 2019 11:59 AM

Blog posted by: Becky Rice, Tuesday, 29 January 2019.

The new London Housing Foundation (LHF) Atlas of London’s homelessness services was launched on 28 January 2019. 

Row of houses

This initial launch was the culmination of several months of work developing the maps for the site using, a data visualisation tool, data collection, website design and user testing. The new Atlas, delivered by the LHF in partnership with Homeless Link, is an interactive website that allows people to view services and statistics across London, in a specific borough or at a multi-borough level.  Commissioners and policy makers will now be able to see in real time which services are available, and the latest statistics on rough sleeping.

The research carried out for the launch showed the following about the sector in London:

Headline figures on rough sleeping

Taking stock of service provision

The diversity of organisations

The breadth of the sector

The Atlas also provides information on wide ranging services from the first response to rough sleeping, outreach teams, assessment centres and day centres to the number of Clearing House units per borough. A few key findings on selected services are below:


Pan-London assessment centres and winter shelters

Clearing House

Housing First

Each year we will undertake a full refresh of the data and in the interim additions, corrections and improvements can be made to the live site. Developments to the site will also be undertaken over time, for example adding new maps and datasets.  We are also looking to expand the Atlas for use by frontline staff and others, such as elected members.

Following each annual data refresh the LHF will provide selected Insights. This first Insights commentary highlights some of the ‘key findings’ from the Atlas 2019. The commentary is grounded in the facts and figures from the Atlas.

You can watch a video illustrating the new Atlas, or you directly access it here.

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The London Housing Foundation and Homeless Link are embarking on a redevelopment of the LHF Atlas of Services for Homeless People in London. 

Becky Rice

Research Consultant

Becky is an independent research consultant project managing the Atlas for the London Housing Foundation