New member: The Good Economy

2 Aug 2022 09:30 AM

We're delighted to welcome The Good Economy as a new member of Homeless Link!

The Good Economy Partnership (TGE) is an impact advisory firm dedicated to enhancing the role of business and finance in inclusive and sustainable development.

Established in 2015, TGE offers research, strategy consulting, and impact measurement and management services. They provide impact measurement, management and reporting services for investors in affordable housing and real estate to help their clients to understand, enhance and communicate their positive impact on people, places and the planet. Their clients include CBRE Investment Management, L&G Affordable Homes and Nuveen. Their services aim to enable clients to ensure impact considerations are fully integrated into their investment process and to achieve high standards of transparency and accountability.

TGE also lead on sector-wide collaborations and research projects, including:

To find out more about their work visit their website or contact