Ofcom update their auction plans and consultation on technical model

15 May 2020 04:10 PM

Last Friday, Ofcom published a consultation on one aspect of the technical modelling in its statement on the award of spectrum in the 700 MHz and 3.6-3.8 GHz bands.

One company said that it had hoped to be able to comment on the use of a technical model which informed part of the decisions in our statement on the award of this spectrum, published in March. So Ofcom published more information about that model and adjusted some of the results they published in their statement.

The revised results remain consistent with Ofcom’s view that it is likely to be technically feasible to support a wide range of 5G services with holdings of 5G ready spectrum smaller than 80 MHz.

Ofcom welcome comments on the matters set out in this consultation by 12 June 2020. You can find the relevant documents on this webpage:  https://bit.ly/3bvWbeR 

Auction plans
(they welcome views)

Ofcom are separately considering how their processes for running spectrum auctions securely and safely could be adapted to the circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic. Ofcom's priority will be both to ensure the appropriate personal safety of those involved and the integrity of the process – in particular its security and resilience.

For these reasons, Ofcom do not think it would be appropriate to commence the auction itself until they are reasonably confident it can be completed without interruption.

If there is no litigation of their final auction decision, following further consultation, Ofcom consider that the earliest bidding could start is November 2020. Ofcom recognise that this is dependent on how the Government’s plans for lifting the current lockdown restrictions evolve.

Ofcom welcome industry’s views on how they would operate secure bidding processes in these circumstances.

You can view the email Ofcom sent out with this information here: